The Heart of a Man

What does it mean to be a man? 

There are a lot of people who will tell you what men shouldn't be and there are some who will give broad-brushed simplistic answers, but what if it isn't that simple?  What if masculinity doesn't fall into simple categories like "Godly," "toxic," "traditional," "progressive?"

This page explores, not the nature of man, but rather the questions that lurk beneath the surface of a man's life, quietly shaping his heart, his affections, his desires and actions. 

This page is here to validate those questions, activate men and release them to step into their potential, connect to their God and to other men. When these questions go unaddressed, men get sidetracked by internal conflicts, and fears, and find themselves reacting. 

This page is here to activate the heart of every man to step into the fullness of a relationship with God and to experience the purpose for which God created him.

These questions aren't for the faint of heart, but neither is life.  Men's let's step into our future together with courage.

Question 1: Who Are You Becoming?

It is not who you know, what you accomplish, or how much you gather in this world that will ultimately matter. It is who YOU are. 

Question 2: What Do You Think About?

A familiar story is being told about you, and not the ones you may think. In the story, you are the damsel in distress. You are the victim. Are you able to gain back control over your thoughts?

Question 3: Who Will You Follow?

Each of us is a follower. It is true. It doesn't mean we are not leaders (in fact, followership may very well be the greatest trait of a leader). It just means that we follow in the steps of those who have gone before us. The question is: do you know who or what you are following?

"God gets from our lives the person we become."

-John Ortberg

 "What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?"

-Jesus of Nazareth